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About NOON

Starting off as a late night muse among friends, NOON is a Baltimore-based Asian American interest magazine that strives to provide a creative multimedia platform to define and explore our community.  


Through NOON, meaning “eye” in Korean, we yearn to witness narratives shared by individual artists and curate a mosaic of experiences for the collective.





As the sun rises highest in the sky at the half-point of each day– NOON is powered by neither strictly Asian nor solely American identities, but one that breathes at the intersection of both.

Meet Our Executive Team

Meet Our Team

Seunghyun Natalia Woo

Co-Editor In Chief

Andre Vu

Co-Editor In Chief

Seunghyun "Natalia" is a senior at Johns Hopkins University studying International Studies and Psychology. She is from Long Island, NY and goes by the pronouns of she/her/hers. In her free time, she loves making dumplings with her air fryer, capturing her friends on her mom's old film camera, and thinking about fresh ways to promote NOON's creative vision.


Cara Valencia

Creative Director

Cara Valencia is a senior at Johns Hopkins University majoring in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with a minor in Entrepreneurship and Management, originally from Clifton, NJ. Her pronouns are she/her/hers. She has been a part of NOON for 2 years and is currently the Creative Director. In this role, she works with the Graphics Editor to determine the overall direction of each issue and to direct the Graphics Committee, creating spreads for submitted work.

Andre Thien Vu “Bon Bon” is a sophomore at Johns Hopkins University majoring in Psychology and Chemistry. His pronouns are he/him/his. He is the Co-Editor in Chief along Swing! Some of his interests include traditional art mediums and exploring the uniqueness of the Vietnamese American experience as well as its intersectionality with health and medicine


Joyce Hwang

Copy Editor

Joyce Hwang is from Los Angeles, California. Her pronouns are she/her/hers.  As the copy editor for NOON, she is in charge of collecting and editing all of the written content. She is majoring in Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. A fun fact about her is that she loves all kinds of coffee.


Ying Zhang

Graphics Editor

Ying is a junior, studying Applied Math and Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. She is from Brewster, NY and goes by the pronouns she/her/hers. As the graphics editor, she heads the graphics team along with the Creative Director to manage the overall look and presentation of the magazine


Angela Li

Production Manager

Angela is from the Bay Area and her pronouns are she/her/hers. She is a sophomore at Johns Hopkins University majoring in Economics and Psychology and minoring in Accounting & Financial Management. As the production manager, she manages the budget of NOON and the printing and production of each issue as well as collaborating with the marketing director to create marketing materials. She enjoys reading and dancing (join Eclectics!) in her free time and loves exploring her creative side through digital art and writing fiction.


Annie Yang

Marketing Director

Annie is a sophomore studying Neuroscience and Chemistry at Johns Hopkins University. She goes by she/her/hers. She's from Newburgh, New York and is currently the Marketing Director. As marketing director, she is in charge of managing the social media pages of NOON as well as coordinating any photoshoots and marketing material. She loves to bake, and loves doing her makeup and creating art in her spare time.

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