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Issue 2.0: STIGMAS

Small Strokes


Challenging the specific stereotypes, critiques, and expectations tied to the APIDA experience while manifesting our individuality

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Issue 2.0 : Stigmas

The second issue of “STIGMAS,” highlights our repressed voices from the collective cliché to initiate self agency. Crippled by the external pressures to stay within the dominant narrative– how can we challenge these specific stereotypes and critiques tied to the APIDA experience? To reclaim our generation's hereafter, we strived to project our individuality beyond these delegated expectations placed onto our community.


4. Whitewashed / EBEN WOO


5. The Model Minority / ANNIE YANG


11. Not Being ... Enough / KYLIE SHARRON


16. Us, You and Me / AMANDA PARK


18. As These Hands Grow Old / Isabelle Koh


19. Native Tree / Jung Woo Bae


21. Home Forgotten / Andre Vu


25. Asian Medicine / Stanley Zhu

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Issue 1.5 : Asian glow

Our mini issue 1.5: ASIAN GLOW reflects some of our thoughts on how the emergence of Asian culture has  transformed our personal growth. The conflicts confronted within our cultural, social, and familial associations–particularly when they burgeon in explosive ways– offer a chance to synthesize fresh experiences and yield new personalities. By attempting to bridge these apparent, yet disconnected, identities, we strived to understand how the Asian American community grew to rise, bloom, and flourish in the modern context full of discourse.

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Issue 1.0 : Roots

Our first issue 1.0: ROOTS is a product of our own existential confusion about the relationships among our own personal histories, everyday experiences, and cultural roots. Where do we exist in the context of our Asian heritage, here, in Baltimore?


As Asian American artists and writers, we sought to create a collage of unique stories that examined our long struggle with cultural erasure and underrepresentation. 

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